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Freitag, 24. Juni 2016

Visiting Heide Park Soltau


Hey Guys, 
I am back with new stuff for you guys!

Had a rough time lately, but that's not the matter of this post.

A few days  ago I visited a theme park here in Germany.

The Heide Park Resort located in Soltau, Germany.

Location of theme park.
We drove about 90 Minutes to reach our destination. Hopefully not our final one.
At 9:30 we arrived at the parking lot which was really empty. Last time we've visited it, we parked at the final spots of the lot.
First of all we wanted to ride the wooden rollercoaster Colossus, in my opinion one of the best worldwide. Definitely a identity marker for the Heide Park since it was dedicated in 2001 as the highest wooden rollercoaster in Europe. This record still endures.

The Video is captured from the back row. You might ask why not in the first row? Because you get the best kick in the last row on this coaster. Really you have to try the last row of Colossus when you visit this theme park!

Later on that day we wanted to ride 'Scream' the highest Roto-Drop-Tower of the world! But it was closed due to technical problems. Same goes for the inverted Coaster 'Limit'.

A little bit disappointed we moved on to the Wing Coaster 'Flug der Dämonen' which means Demonflight. This Coaster was established in 2014. For this attraction they had removed an old pretty well themed log flume. Worth it? Definitely!
Just check it out!

It may not be the most intense or the highest Coaster, but it gives you the feeling to fly in a heroic way through the area! You have to ride it!

The final big Coaster we got to hop on is Krake! A short but nice Dive Coaster!

Short it was great day! We rode Colossus and Demonflight 5 times each and Krake one time right before leaving. Other little attraction were also fun like the Topspin or the Bob Coaster, but I wanted not to mention them further in this post.

Thanks for reading and watching! Siats is out, Peace!

Samstag, 2. April 2016

A Battle which never was one!


Opinion to Planet Coaster and RCTW

Today I will devote a post towards the Battle of two upcoming Theme Park "Simulations".
Who will be the legitimate Sequel of the legendary "Roller Coaster Tycoon" series?

First of all RollerCoaster Tycoon World has the Name of the series because Atari owns the license!
But Planet Coaster got the Developers of RCT2 Add-Ons and RCT3 in theirboat! Frontier is working on Planet Coaster and only Frontier! In Comparison RCTW was developed by three different studios over the past years. Not a good sign I think!

So Let's get on to the Pros and Cons of both Games.

RCTW - Pros
~ Trusted Publisher and Trusted Trademark ~
~ Development since the Big Beta Fail (I like to call it that way) ~
~Solid Coaster Creation Tool ~

RCTW - Cons
~ Switched developing hands too much~
~ Lifeless Graphics ~
~ Too big Signs on Stalls ~
~ High expectations, but screwed up until now! ~

Planet Coaster - Pros
~ Trusted Developer ~
~ Lovely Graphics ~
~ Ton of Freedom in Theming, despite there are very limited Tilesets (Check out Silvarret on YouTube) ~
~ Solid Coaster Creator which is definitely not finished ~

Planet Coaster - Cons
~ New Franchise, new Game ~
~ How much content will follow in the full game ~

(Credits for the Asian Temple goes to Silvarret!)


As you can see Planet Coaster has more Pros than RCTW, even though RCTW is closer to a final game than Planet Coaster. 
PC just looks and feels better for me. I played both and RCTW led to Rage and PC led to Fun.

But it is quite difficult to say how good the final games will be. For now RCTW got wrecked by Planet Coaster!

See you next Time!  ~ ✎Siats, 2016

My Theme Park Experience


Theme Park Overview

Hey Theme park Enthusiasts and all other Peeps!
My Name is Felix also known as Siats. Welcome to my Blog!

My first post should be introducing which theme parks I already visited.

1. Hansa-Park, Sierksdorf - Germany

2. Heide Park Resort, Soltau - Germany

3. Europa Park, Rust - Germany 

4. Universal Studios, Orlando - Florida,USA

5. Universal Studios - Island of Adventure, Orlando

6. SeaWorld, Orlando 

So the first Blogpost is full of Pictures from theme parks, but i just wanted o give you an overview of theme park experience!
All of the Pictures were made by myself!
I hope you enjoyed this post and you'll checkout the next ones as well!

See you next time ~ ✎Siats, 2016

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